The gossip website reports that the NBA player abruptly dumped his baby momma when he met Monica. Shannon and his sons mother Sharde had been TOGETHER for 7 years, living together AS A FAMILY!
“Everything was fine, they were even talking about getting married . . . they were one big happy family, and then Monica came along,” according to Media Take Out’s insider
Mary Kay Cosmetics Natural Skincare Tips
You will find numerous things you are able to do to enhance the texture, elasticity and look of the skin. The very first 3actions are an important foundation to flawless skin.No matter how a lot you pay for expensive moisturizers that promise younger, glamorous looking smooth skin, if you don't do the 3step cleansing routine (cleanse, tone & moisturize), it is not likely that these products will have any real benefit to the skin on your face.
1. Clean - Start your skincareregimen with a cleanser, by Mary KayCosmetics. That's it! No additives that can cause irritation to your skin especially if you have sensitive skin. You can use the Mary Kay Cosmetics cleanser by simply wetting your face to rinse. Remove the cleanser by using a MaryKay® Facial Cleansing Cloths.
2. Tone - Next, using cotton wool and Mary Kay Purifying Freshener to eliminate the last traces of cleanser and tone the skin. Have you tried Flower Waters? They aresuper advantageous to the health of the skin as they are organic and contain anti-bacterial properties which reduce bacteria growth which in turn inhibits rashes and spots. Some also have astringent properties which close pores, and make the skin more toned. Some excellent ones to try are good old water - cold, rosewater (good for mature skin too), orange flower water andorganicwitch hazel. Avoid toners with alcohol as these will dryout your skin which will damage your efforts.
3. Moisturise - This step is essential to wholesome skin. You need to replace lost moisture to the skin and this is best done with Mary Kay Balancing Moisturizer Cream to suit your skin type. The most common are sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin and combination skin, so look out for these descriptions when purchasing creams.
4. Sun Cream - Stay out away from the sun - UV rays induce the skin to age, as a resultuse a factor that is appropriate for your skin type for optimum sun protection. Mary Kay Sun Care Collection is an exceptional choice.
5. Avoid Free Radicals - What are they? See our write-up on free radicals for further details, but in a few words the yare substances that trigger the skin to age and wrinkle. Use Anti-oxidants tocounteract free radicals that age the skin. Vitamin A, C & E are particularly useful in addition to coconut and olive oil. A handful of almonds are crammed with sufficient vitamin E to counteract free radicals.
6. Water - yes, sipping water really does help to remove toxins and re-hydrate your skin. Around 2 litres per day (8x 250ml glasses).
7. Serums - These are nourishing oils with an element to help carry the oils into the much deeper levels of the skin so theyimprove the tone and elasticity. It is best to use the remedy twice a day, once in the morning a few minutes before you moisturise and again before you go to bed so that it can do its work while you sleep. Mary Kay Cosmetics TimeWise® Replenishing Serum+C is an excellent choice.
8. Face Mask - Use a Mary Kay TimeWise® Even Complexion Mask as a weekly treatment.
9. Rest - Sleep is one of the best things you can do for your skin.
These tips should not be used as a one off, butincorporated into a regular skin care routine for best effects.
For more information on the Mary Kay Cosmetics Skin Care line please visit
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